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Digibase Security Advisory - Apple SSL Vulnerability
Keywords: SSL, Apple, HTTPS, Vulnerability, Data Exposure, Mac OSX, iOS
DBSA ID: 2014-0004
Regarding: Apple SSL Vulnerability
Writeup: Kradorex Xeron (talk) 17:20, 24 February 2014 (EST)
Date: 2014 02 24
Last Modified: 20140224172054 by Kradorex Xeron
Who should take note: All users of Apple devices and platforms
Priority: HIGH
Rationale: Information may be disclosed without immediate action
Severity: HIGH
Rationale: Trusted encrypted connections may be at risk
Rationale: The issue effects both Mac OSX and iOS
Apple is a manufacturer and publisher of hardware and software platforms including Mac OSX, which is an operating system utilized on desktop and laptop computers; and iOS, which is a platform utilized on mobile phones and tablets. A vulnerability has been located in Apple's SSL cryptography libraries which may result in interception or alteration of data protected in SSL sessions including HTTPS sessions through the Apple web browser safari.
- Mac OSX versions 10.9.1 and under are vulnerable
- iOS versions 7.0.6 and under are vulnerable.
For further technical information, please review CVE-2014-1266
iOS users are advised to update their devices immediately.
Mac OSX computer users are advised to immediately cease utilizing Safari as a web browser (which utilizes the vulnerable libraries) and to install and/or use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.